Tuesday, December 16, 2008

What did you wanna be?

Think way back in the day, between the ages of 10 through your senior year of high school? What did you wanna be when you were growing up? Did you persue it or take another path?

When I was little about 10, I wanted to be a singer. It was until about 7th grade that I realized I can't sing to save my life. So I decided I wanted to be an actress. Even though my dreams for most people seemed untouchable my family still supported me. My dad took me to an interview with a talent agency once, but it turned out it would cost to much to get my portfolio started.

I started highschool before I knew it and that was the year I wanted to be a writer. I slacked off a lot that year and it was writing that helped me pass the one class that I was failing. We had to make poem books and I turned in exta poems for lots of extra credit.

Going into my second year of highschool, I really got into art. My best friend at the time and I were planing to open up our own tattoo shop.

My jounior year was more of a float year...i had no idea what i wanted to be. For once I just enjoyed the school year without really worrying about that.

Then the last year came. I had decided I wanted to become the first state trooper in WA that was under 5foot 3in and under 140lbs. I went to volcational school, and took crimnal justice. It turned out it wasn't really for me. I wouldn't mind doing it still but its just not my nitch...it turned out its my husbands nitch instead.

After highschool and moving accross country I really got into cake decorating. I got really good at it too. But I don't think it would be a carreer for me. I'll probably do it more as a fun thing.

Now when I grow up I wanna be a party/wedding planner. I love planning events, but my husband won't listen to me about my "carreer" ideas anymore. I think you can guess why. But I believe one day i'll find my nitch, it just takes time. lol

1 comment:

Miss Hope said...

It's all good. I'm 37 and still finding my way. Right now I'm digging the Mama Gig I got going on.